Lovely Lady RPG

In the ruins of a world that is running out of reasons to keep going, a woman seeks her soul.

Ghost (she forgot her real name) wakes up to find she has an omniscient alien orb living in her chest, and the voices of two little ladies rattling around in her head. Unsure of who she is, why this happened to her, and of the fact she has an upcoming appointment for hormones, Ghost sets about wandering around talking to people, being weird and smelling bad.


Lovely Lady RPG is a visual novel RPG inspired by Disco Elysium and written in the Narrat Game Engine, and will release soon.

Ghost wanders into a church and experiences religion.

Ghost wanders into the Gender Identity Clinic and experiences the joys of gatekeeping.

Ghost wanders into the Gender Identity Clinic and experiences the grim reality of UK trans healthcare: Having to talk to a pervert doctor who doesn't care about boundaries, how hard he makes you cry or whether you live or die.

Ghost wanders into a field and meets a shepherd who spends all of their time thinking about politics.

Ghost wanders into a church and experiences weird, gangly women.

Please be aware that all screenshots on this page are work in progress.